Fantastic Four movie poster.
Movie (2015)
Miles Teller (Reed Richards / Mr. Fantastic)
Michael B. Jordan (Johnny Storm / The Human Torch)
Kate Mara (Susan "Sue" Storm / The Invisible Woman)
Jamie Bell (Ben Grimm / The Thing)
Toby Kebbell (Victor von Doom / Doctor Doom)
Reg E. Cathey (Dr. Franklin Storm)
Tim Blake Nelson (Dr. Harvey Allen)
In Fantastic Four, the team must learn to harness abilities gained from an alternate universe to save Earth from a friend turned enemy.
Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk[]
Seen approaching at the Area 57.

General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper[]
Seen in training session with Johnny Storm (Michael B. Jordan).

Bombardier Challenger 300[]
Dr. Harvey Allen (Tim Blake Nelson) and Military representatives arrives in Area 57 in this plane.
Reg. G-SISS is fictionnal.

Lockheed C-130 Hercules[]
Used to transport Reed Richards (Miles Teller) from Central America to Area 57.

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